Beach and Grass 6's Volleyball Rules

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  • Beach and Grass 6's Volleyball Rules

• 6's beach and grass volleyball are organized after court rules.  See the attached link for Volleyball Canada rules:

• Play 3 games (each game is worth one point) and each game is to 21 and win by 2 with a maximum score of 23

• Should time limit the third game, the leading team wins when time expires; alternatively captains may choose to only play a final game to 15, either way if times expires the leading team wins

• Rally point scoring

• Two players of each gender required on court at all times, if you only have one male or female player playing then you default the first 2 games, if you are short two male or two female players (ie. You have no male or no female players playing) then your team defaults 3 games. Teams have 5 minutes from the official start time to field a team else the default rules apply.  For Advanced Intermediate 4's, one player of each gender required on court at all times, or you default all 3 games.  Teams have 5 minutes from the official start time to field a team else the default rules apply.

• Please be aware that ALL THREE games count towards the overall league standings and must be played. (i.e. DO NOT simply play a best 2 out of 3 game match).

• Any body contact anywhere on the net is a fault

• A player may not block or spike a serve.

• Players can open-hand volley a serve.

• A server may serve the ball from anywhere along the baseline. The serve will rotate from one team to the next at the start of each game. Screening is not allowed on a serve.

• A player may play the ball off any part of his/her body, including feet.

• Servers DO NOT rotate after five consecutive points. The same server continues to serve as long as his/her team successfully wins the point.

• Net serves ARE allowed. This means that if a serve hits the net but the motion of the ball carries it over the net, it is a live ball - it is not a service fault

• Spares should be at the same skill level as the team they have been asked to play on.

• For players to be eligible for playoffs, they must have attended a min. of 2 regular season nights.

• Discrepancies: All games are self-refereed. Please play honestly and call your own infractions (lift, net, etc) and do not call your opponents infractions during a game.  If there is uncertainty about a possible infraction then the point should be re-served.  Any disputes will be discussed amongst the two team captains between games.  

•  After the first few weeks of play (typically 3 weeks of play), we will re-ladder divisions to ensure teams are assigned to the proper division (this only applies to leagues with two or more divisions).  After the first initial ladder, we will ladder approx. every 4 weeks. Depending on the number of wins within the last flight of games, teams can be moved up or down a division (1 or more teams can be moved).  The last flight of games in a season is used to determine which teams make the playoffs.  The top 4 teams of each division will make the playoffs.  These are determined by number of wins within the last flight of games of the regular season.  Even if you do not make the playoffs, you still play two weeks of fun games. During the semis the 1st place team will play the 4th place and 2nd and 3rd placed teams play each other. 

•  Each captain is responsible to ensure their respective team is playing on the correct court/venue and time. If a team ends up playing on the incorrect court/venue and/or time, they default all 3 games.

•  If a ball is driven into the net and causes the net to touch an opponent, no fault is committed.  

• A continuation of motion into another court to save a ball is a dead ball and loss of point (whether it is your opponent’s court or team’s on either side of your court).  As soon as player steps into another court other than their own, the point is lost.  

• Double Touches:  players are allowed a Double Touch in Capital Volley play provided they occur on the first hit (serve receive, block, spike receive) as per the Volleyball Canada rules under Exceptions:

  • at blocking, consecutive contacts may be made by one or more player(s), provided that the contacts occur during one action;
  • at the first hit of the team, the ball may contact various parts of the body consecutively, provided that the contacts occur during one action.

• Time Outs:  teams are permitted to take one 30 second time out per game which must be called immediately after a point (cannot wait until the server has the ball); if team takes longer than 30 seconds then they forfeit one point

• Self-refereed Games: Capital Volley is a self-refereed league and teams are accountable to call their own faults.  If an opposing team has an issue with a call/ non-call, the team captains (and only the team captains) can have a discussion, ideally between games (but if really needed, after a point that was contested).  If a mutual agreement cannot be met, then the last point will be re-served.

• Game Length:  Teams have the scheduled hour time slot to play their respective games.  It is strongly recommended that teams mutually agree that the last point occurs with one minute left in the time slot (setting a phone alarm is recommended).  Teams should be off the court prior to the next time slot to ensure the next group has access to their full hour.